Robust ultrasound training is a critical part of all Obstetrics & Gynecology (OB-GYN) training programs. Graduates need to possess image acquisition and interpretation skills and most importantly be able to apply findings toward medical decision-making. Unfortunately, the quality of ultrasound education and training is highly variable in the field of OB-GYN. Dr. Alfred Abuhamad, a professor and chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Eastern Virginia Medical and the past president of the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM), found that “40% of clinical ultrasound practices were operating below the minimum AIUM standards and guidelines for the performance of ultrasound exam.”
OBGYN Ultrasound Training
In an effort to improve and standardize OB-GYN ultrasound training, AIUM assembled a multi-society task force of experts in obstetrics and gynecology, radiology, and medical education to develop a consensus-based, standardized curriculum and competency evaluation process. In January 2018, the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, and Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology officially published the recommendations in a checklist form. What does this mean for OB-GYN training programs moving forward?
An Improvement in Ultrasound Quality and Education
A 2015 needs assessment revealed that most OB-GYN residents felt that residency training programs adequately prepared them to perform and interpret OB ultrasound examinations (68.3% and 65%, respectively). Approximately 77% of medical students and residents expressed a desire for more formal training in OB ultrasound. Most GYN residents felt inadequately prepared to perform and interpret GYN ultrasound examinations (77% and 70%), and approximately 88% of OB-GYN residents reported wanting more formal training in GYN ultrasound.[1]

Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 2015 [2]
A Shift Towards Competency-Based Learning
The goal of the AIUM Consensus Recommendations is to standardize OB-GYN ultrasound training courses and emphasize competency-based training. Widespread implementation of the new OB-GYN training recommendations will ideally ensure trainees develop a uniform, high level of ultrasound proficiency.
In response to the AIUM Recommendations, SonoSim has designed a comprehensive OB-GYN ultrasound training library using real patients with a variety of pathologic conditions. The SonoSim® Ultrasound Training Solution is a laptop-based ultrasound training solution that provides education in a modular format (didactics, assessment, and SonoSimulator® hands-on scanning). SonoSim’s educational offerings and assessment tools address the recently published standards and make it easy for directors of medical residency programs seeking to match the latest training requirements. Learn more here.
[1] Green I, Kahan M, Wong S. Obstetric and Gynecologic Resident Ultrasound Education Project: Is the Current Level of Gynecologic Ultrasound Training in Canada Meeting the Needs of Residents and Faculty? J Ultrasound Med. 2015;34(9):1583-1589.
[2] Volume 34, Issue 9, pages 1583-1589, 7 AUG 2015 DOI: 10.7863/ultra.15.14.10067