August 2024 - Pediatric Periodical

The August 2024 issue of the SonoSim Wave explores Pediatric ultrasound applications and use cases.

🗞️ Ultrasound Application News

Learn how cardiac ultrasound plays a crucial role in detecting congenital heart disease in preterm infants. Our latest blog post reviews a recent study on neonatologist-performed cardiac ultrasounds, emphasizing the importance of early detection, proper training, and collaboration between healthcare professionals. This research sheds light on the impact of timely diagnosis on patient outcomes and the need for specialized skills in neonatal cardiac care. Read the full blog post for more insights.

📚 Case Study: Pediatric Lung

2-week old infant male presents with respiratory distress.

What are the relevant sonographic findings in this clip?


Listen to the Pediatric Lung Findings
  • Tachypnea
  • Cough
  • Lethargy
  • No history of fever
  • Bilateral involvement
  • Lack of lung sparing (confluent involvement)
  • White lung (coalescent B-lines) pattern
  • Pleural line irregular and thickened
  • Lung sliding is present
  • +/- Focal subpleural consolidations (< 1 cm)
Diagnosis: Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)

👩‍⚕️ Scanning & Imaging Tips: Lung Consolidation

When evaluating lung consolidations on ultrasound, remember that consolidation indicates loss of lung aeration but is not specific to pneumonia. Conditions like atelectasis, pneumonitis, and pulmonary infarct can also show consolidations. To differentiate, note that irregular margins and dynamic air bronchograms suggest pneumonia, while static air bronchograms are common in both atelectasis and pneumonia.

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🔎 Scan & Seek - Fun with Physics

Keep watching below to see what the unusual subject we scanned this month was!

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The image shows an ultrasound of a tomato. Notice that high density seeds causing dropout (similar to the appearance of stones on an abdominal ultrasound). These hard reflectors do not permit any propagation of the ultrasound wave, causing acoustic shadowing beyond them. 

🧠 Challenge Case of the Month: Pediatric Genitourinary

Case History: This 23-month-old male with congenital bilateral ureteropelvic junction obstruction and subsequent bilateral nephrostomy tubes presents with decreased output from the left-sided tube.

See the ultrasound below and evaluate this lesion. 👇


Findings: Right kidney with severe pelvic dilatation; No evidence of nephrolithiasis; No free fluid in hepatorenal recess (Morison's pouch)

🔑 SonoSim Members: Don't forget that you have hundreds of Challenge Cases and that you get regular additions.  Check them out in the SonoSimulator Case Library!

💥 SonoSim Updates

We’re excited to introduce our improved user invite system that makes adding users to your group easier than ever! Admins can now invite multiple users at once, significantly streamlining the process.

Here’s How It Works:

  • Navigate to the "Manage Users" feature and click on "Invite New Users".
  • Select the user type ("Admin" or "Learner") and add user emails. You can also assign users to an existing subgroup or create a new one.
  • Once ready, click the "Invite Users" button. Each user will receive an email with instructions to set up their SonoSim account.

Additionally, admins can manage pending invitations through the Pending tab, where they can resend or delete invites as needed. This update simplifies group management, helping you focus more on learning and less on administration!

💡 SonoSim Tips & Tricks

Did you know that admin have access to an Orientation Course Report? This handy tool allows admins to easily track whether their learners have completed essential orientation courses. The report is designed with a three-color code system—dark blue for completed, light blue for in-progress, and white for not started—mirroring the familiar course progress report format.

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Admins can now quickly see where each learner stands with courses like "How to Take a Course" and "How to Use the SonoSimulator®." This update simplifies onboarding, helping you ensure that all learners are set up for success from day one! Check it out in your member dashboard.

😂 LOLtrasound

_You guys always act like youre better than me_ Meg from Family Guy

Credit: Fox Broadcasting Company 

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